× No brindo servicios, ni mantenemos ninguna relación con empresas, organizaciones y/o personas naturales que estén vinculados, sean funcionarios, realicen negocios, sean fachadas o sean agentes de influencia de los gobiernos de la República Popular China, Federación de Rusia y cualquier otro gobierno, persona u organización que el Gobierno de Los Estados Unidos de América designe como hostil, enemiga, que apoye y/o copere con el terrorismo y/o cualquier actividad ilícita y/o ilegal. Si usted está incluido dentro de las descripciones antes descritas, por favor no se contacte conmigo, nuestro proceso de debida diligencia reforzada es sumamente detallado.

Welcome to Compair service center!

We deliver high-quality computer repair services.
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professional customer service

We provide extensive support for every customer.

A team of seasoned tech experts

We employ the best people in the industry.

Computer Repair and IT Support Services

We offer professional high-tech repair solutions.

We provide quality PC optimization services to make your computer work properly.

Setup & Install

Need a professional PC setup & software install service? We are here to help you!

PC Diagnostics

Our experts can easily diagnose any computer-related issue and quickly resolve it.

Removing Viruses

When you require a guaranteed and affordable virus removal service, feel free to contact us!

Nuestra misión

Our mission is to provide innovative repair services for your computers, laptops, and other high-tech devices and gadgets. We also aim to give you excellent customer service and quality repair with a quick turnaround. We strive to get you back to normal use of your device as soon as possible without the need to overpay for our services.

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Nuestra visión

Our vision is to grow and develop as #1 service center for PC and laptop users in our country. We are going to achieve this by converting all opportunities into sustainable business growth, nurturing a culture of innovation, and providing better value to our partners and consumers while also offering best-in-class services.

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Nuestras metas

We aim to help our clients recover their devices’ operability and educate them on how to avoid such issues in the future. Our team also strives to offer top-notch customer service through consulting our regular and new customers on how to easily install software and how basic maintenance of their computers can help them.

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Lo que ofrecemos

providing an unmatched level of quality and services

Efficient PC repair solutions for individual and corporate clients


professional services & reasonable prices

Compair has an affordable pricing policy, which allows us to tailor the services to our clients.

Feel free to try our pricing plans before purchasing.

Nuestros clientes




awards won




monthly clients

Our team

professional PC repair team

Since our establishment, we have gathered a team of dedicated PC repair professionals.

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